Online Information : There was a time when it was so difficult for everyone to acquire some sort of information. People have to go through some extensive search in the libraries and such resources to find out the piece of information that one would be looking for. It certainly was something that was really annoying especially when you only want some small piece of information, as you will again have to go through the same process of grueling efforts to find out the right kind of information. However, with the advent of internet, it has become so easy to get information. You can now just sit on your computers and can get to the unlimited resources of information through internet.

Bangladeshi Newspapers and Magazines

The News carries various news and information for us. It tells us what happens every day all over the world. There are various kinds of news: They are Dailies, Weeklies and Monthlies.

* The Daily news gives us fresh and current news of the day. 
* Weeklies and Monthlies contain the news of the week or month in a clear way. 

They contain articles, stories and poems. The news is a very useful thing to the human being.  It helps us in many ways. It brings all kinds of news of the world. People can know all things by reading news. It also helps the growth of public opinion. The news is the storehouse of knowledge. So, we should read Newspaper or Magazine, see Television or Internet News daily.

The Daily Jugantor
The Daily Kaler Kantho
The Daily Prothom Alo
The Daily Janakantha
The Daily Shamokal
The Daily Sangbad
The Daily Manavzamin
The Daily Naya Diganta
The Daily Sangram

Weely Sonar Bangla
The Daily Bhorer Kagoj
The Daily Amar Desh
The Daily Azadi
The Daily Ittefaq
The Daily Destiny
The Daily Inquilab
The Daily JaiJaiDin

The Daily Janata
Weekly Akhon Samoy

Amader Shomoy
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